mercoledì 30 maggio 2012


Per la rubrica "Non credo funzionerà"  oggi ho pubblicato un pezzo su Harkadi Kuhlmann, Mr. Conto Arancio. Forse, non tutti sanno che dietro alla nascita di ING Direct c'è un genio che ha saputo pensare realmente fuori dagli schemi. Per raccontarla in due parole,  Harkadi Kuhlmann ha mutuato il modello di business tipico delle compagnie low cost e lo ha applicato al mondo bancario rivoluzionando prodotti, processi e clienti. 
La sua storia e la sua intuizione è ben spiegata nel libro "The Orange Code" del quale vi posto volentieri la descrizione originale: 

How championing consumers led to ING Direct's revolutionary rise in the banking industry In an industry dominated by big banks with little patience for their customers, ING Direct has always strived to be different-a rebel with a cause, if you will-and in doing so, they've become the most successful online banking venture in history. The Orange Code recounts ING Direct's intriguing story, explaining the philosophy of its founder Arkadi Kuhlmann-who believes in the power of individuals to control their financial destiny-and his long-running partnership with Bruce Philp, the branding consultant who helped him make ING Direct a cause to its own people and a household name across North America.* Discusses the unconventional approach to business strategy, leadership, and management that built ING Direct* Written by the company's CEO, Arkadi Kuhlmann, the driving force behind this unique company and its approach and Bruce Philp, the branding expert who has worked with some of the world's most well-known and valuable brands* Reveals how the cause of personal financial empowerment has made everyone a winner in the ING Direct story The level of success achieved by ING Direct holds some important lessons and offers some much-needed inspiration to a business world that could use a little of both right now. 

Inoltre per approfondire la conoscenza del personaggio vi segnalo il video di  questa intervista rilasciata a Forbes:


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